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Adopt a Species - Beaver

Adopt a Species - Beaver

Regular price £32.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £32.00 GBP
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Did you know that Kent Wildlife Trust, partnering with Wildwood Trust, were the first organisation to reintroduce beavers in the UK at our flagship Ham Fen nature reserve?

Beavers are exceptional ecosystem engineers. In 2020, no UK river was classed as being in good health. On top of this, the UK government is spending £800 million a year on flood mitigation but flooding happens anyway and costs us an additional £2.2 billion annually. Beavers have the power to help us bring back the health of our waterways and reduce flooding through their damns.

Learn more by purchasing your beaver adoption pack and you will receive, a beaver fact file, a beaver adoption certificate, a project update and a beaver plush toy!

Income raised goes straight back into our wilding and conservation work which helps improve and expand beaver habitat in Kent.

This toy is made using plastic from used drinks bottles and other food containers that might otherwise end up in landfill or our oceans so our choice of materials has a positive impact on the planet. By choosing a toy with the Naturli label you can feel happy knowing you've gone with an ethical, sustainable choice that's also lots of fun.

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